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Salt And Light

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | December 14, 1975

Selected highlights from this sermon

Jesus compares believers to salt and light to help us understand what it means to be a Christian. As salt and light, we can minister to a decaying world that is full of darkness. We are called to influence the world without letting it tear us down.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Jesus compares believers to salt and light to help us understand what it means to be a Christian.

How can we get a handle on the unrighteousness in the world around us?

Salt and light were very important commodities in Jesus’ day.

Four insights about salt and light that help us understand what it means to be a Christian and make a difference in the world:

  • Jesus gives us insight into our salvation.
    • When we were saved, clay became salt and dark became light.
    • We are different from the rest of the world because a whole new ingredient has been added to our lives.
  • Jesus gives us insight into the world we live in.
    • If we are salt, the world must be decaying. And if we are light, the world must be full of darkness.
    • God saves us to be in a world that needs
    • We live in a world that makes it very difficult to be salt and light, but salt and light are useless if they are isolated.
    • Wherever we go in this world there is sin.
    • The world is like a rotting corpse.
  • Jesus gives us insight into our ministry.
    • Salt seasons, hinders corruption, sometimes stings, and makes people thirsty.
    • Sinners saw something in Jesus that made them thirsty.
    • Salt has to do with our character, and light is about our conduct. Both are connected.
    • As light we are to be busy doing good works.
    • Everything we do should be for the glory of God and fueled by love.
  • Jesus gives us insight into the dangers
    • Salt can lose its flavor when it comes in contact with the Earth.
    • We must influence the world without letting it tear us down.
    • We keep ourselves from becoming contaminated by the power of the Holy Spirit. We cannot isolate or insulate.

Jesus is looking for people who can be salt and light to the world without becoming contaminated.

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