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Our Man In Egypt

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | March 30, 1980

Selected highlights from this sermon

God is working in our lives today, just as He was working in Joseph’s life. He had a purpose for Joseph, a method and resources for him, and He had the timing of everything mapped out. No matter what hardship we are going through, we can be encouraged that God has a purpose and plan for everything in our lives. He will never fail us.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Four lessons from the life of Joseph that help us in our daily living.

  • God has His purposes.
    • When God wants to do a work in the world, He calls a worker and works on him.
    • God’s first purpose in Joseph’s life was to build a man of character.
    • When difficulties come, God can use them to build us up.
    • God’s second purpose was to build a nation through Joseph.
    • God’s third purpose was to save the world through that nation.
  • God has His methods.
    • Dreams without discipline become nightmares.
    • God disciplined Joseph through service, self-control, and suffering.
  • God has His times.
    • God timed the birth of Joseph with His judgment on Canaan.
    • Jesus hasn’t returned yet because God wants more people to be saved.
    • Preparation for ministry is ministry.
  • God has His resources.
    • God gives us the Bible, and we must saturate our souls with His promises.
    • God gives us His presence, and He is always with us.
    • God gives us His grace, so we can forgive

God is working in our lives today just as He was working in Joseph’s life.

God will never fail us.

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