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Living A Day At A Time

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | January 2, 1977
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Scripture Reference: Deuteronomy 33:25, 2 Chronicles 30:21, Nehemiah 8:18, Luke 11:1—13, 2 Corinthians 4:16

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How often do we forgot about living in the moment? We get so caught up regretting yesterday and worrying about tomorrow that we forget to live today, now, in this moment.

Pastor Wiersbe reminds us that we must learn to live the Christian life one day at a time—one moment at a time. But the only way we can is to draw on the provisions of the Lord. God gives us the perfect provisions to carry the burdens of life.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

We have the privilege of prayer as we walk with the Lord.

The trouble with life is we don’t recognize that life is daily. We get caught up in regretting yesterday and worrying about tomorrow.

We must learn to live the Christian life one day at a time.

God gives us provision to carry the burdens of life.

The only way to live one day at a time is to draw on the provisions of the Lord.

  • God gives us the provision of His care (Luke 11:3).
    • We can trust God to meet our material and physical needs.
  • God gives us the provision of His Word (Nehemiah 8:18).
    • God gives us His Word to refresh us and teach us, but we often disregard it because we are “too busy.”
  • God gives us the provision of His strength (Deuteronomy 33:25).
    • God promises to give us the strength we need for each day.
    • We wear ourselves out today carrying yesterday and tomorrow’s burdens.
  • God gives us the provision of His praise (2 Chronicles 30:21).
    • When we praise God, it changes our attitude about life.
  • God gives us the provision of His likeness (2 Corinthians 4:16)
    • Our bodies may be perishing, but God renews our souls day by day.

Live one day at a time. Don’t let the sins of yesterday or the worries of tomorrow rob you of the victory of today.

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