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Faith Of Isaac, Jacob, And Esau

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | None

Selected highlights from this sermon

Isaac, Jacob, and Esau represent three different ways of life. Isaac was an ordinary man with strong faith, Jacob wrestled with God, and Esau rejected spiritual things to follow the world. God wants us to live the kind of life He planned for us. When we accept Jesus in faith, He has abundant grace for us.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Isaac, Jacob, and Esau represent three different ways of life.

God wants us to live the kind of life He planned for us to live.

  • Isaac: the faith of an ordinary
    • Isaac was the son and father of great men.
    • Isaac is a picture of what the Christian life is all about.
      • He was born miraculously.
      • His name means laughter, and the Christian’s birth means joy.
      • He grew in the Lord.
      • He faced battles.
      • He had great faith in his father.
    • Isaac was an ordinary man who turned out to be a great blessing to others.
    • The important thing in life is not what man knows about us, but what God knows.
  • Jacob: the faith of an obstinate
    • Jacob schemed and took Esau’s birthright and blessing.
    • It’s dangerous when a Christian starts going by physical senses rather than spiritual blessings.
    • Jacob was living for his own desires until he fought God and submitted.
    • Stop fighting God and cling to Him.
    • Jacob became a prince before God.
  • Esau: the faith of the outside
    • Esau was rooted to this world and was uninterested in spiritual things.
    • Esau lived for his body not his soul.
    • Esau sacrificed the eternal for the temporal.

The grace of God never fails, but some people fail to accept God’s grace.

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