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Don't Close Your Eyes

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | September 12, 1976

Scripture Reference: Nehemiah 4:7—9, Mark 13:24—37, Ephesians 6:11—18, Colossians 4:2—4

Selected highlights from this sermon

Nehemiah was in charge of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem, but Israel’s enemies fought against them. As Pastor Wiersbe focuses on the phrase “watch and pray,” we learn how to overcome our enemies who are eager to destroy us. This command to “watch and pray” turns into a great truth that can be found in four other places throughout the Bible.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Nehemiah was in charge of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.

There are some great Bible truths that have very small beginnings.

As we are seeking to do the work of the Lord, we must watch and pray or else the enemy will come and take it.

Four references to the truth “watch and pray” tell us how to overcome enemies in our life:

  • Watching and praying is the way to overcome the world (Mark 13:24-37).
    • The gospels tell us to watch for the sign of the beginning of Jesus’ return and be ready.
    • The devil wants to get hold of the believer and make them worldly.
    • Anything that keeps us from loving the Father and wanting to do His will is worldly.
    • Is the will of God an interruption in your life?
  • Watching and praying is the way to overcome the flesh (Mark 14:32-38).
    • We have become so used to sin that we often expect and accept it.
    • The disciples slept when they should have praying and fought when they should have been submitting.
    • It is easy for our flesh to do sinful things but hard to do spiritual ones.
  • Watching and praying is the way to overcome the devil (Ephesians 6:11-18).
    • We put on the armor of God by praying.
    • We must depend on the strength and energy of the Spirit to fight the devil.
  • Watching and praying is the way to overcome our circumstances (Colossians 4:2-4).
    • When circumstances were difficult, Paul turned to pray, and God opened a door.
    • God does not always change our circumstance, but He can give us the strength to face them.
    • Ask God to show you the opportunities He has for you in your current circumstances.
    • Watch for opportunities to serve

Set your watch on the Lord and pray for Him to open your eyes and give you the strength you need.

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