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As Smart As An Ox

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | January 16, 1977

Selected highlights from this sermon

From Isaiah 1, Pastor Wiersbe explains how God used oxen to teach lessons to Israel—and to us. From this passage, we can see how an ox shows believers how to live.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Sometimes we use animals to describe human attributes (e.g. bull in a China shop or dumb as an ox).

Ox in the Bible are very smart.

Four lessons we can learn from oxen.

  • A lesson in salvation
    • The oxen knew who its owner was and that he sustains the ox.
    • The children of Israel were rebellious against God.
    • God takes our sin and wants to cleanse us, not condemn us.
    • God is saying that the animals are smarter than Israel.
    • No one is dumber than the lost sinner who rejects his master.
    • Jesus has a double claim on us because He made us and purchased
    • God wants us for Himself.
  • A lesson in separation
    • The ox and the donkey could not do anything together because they are two different kinds of animals.
    • There must be separation between believers and unbelievers, but not isolation.
    • Believers should not have obligation to someone who is not saved.
    • Believers and unbelievers are living life for different goals.
  • A lesson in service
    • Oxen are used for plowing, sowing, and harvesting.
    • Just because it is hard, doesn’t mean the work doesn’t need to be done.
    • Believers are called to work for the Lord.
  • A lesson in satisfaction
    • Oxen are satisfied with what their owner gives them.
    • Love is better than material riches.
    • We cannot be satisfied with the things of this world.
    • It is no good to make a living if you can’t make a life.

Whenever God speaks to an animal, it obeys. Do we obey when God calls us?

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