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Resources About Trials

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How to face difficult times in our lives and why God allows them.


Fighting To Win

The battle with the world, the flesh, and the devil—the conflict within our soul and the conflict within our culture—is a battle for keeps.


Finding Purpose In Grief And Loneliness

Everyone knows someone who has lost a spouse, a child, and undergone great agony and hopelessness. In Finding Purpose in Grief and Loneliness, Pastor Lutzer helps us navigate the pain—whether for ourselves or someone else who needs direction and a shoulder to cry on. Let's prepare for when grief and loneliness invade our lives—and be ready to bring real comfort and solace to others.


Three Prerequisites For Change

If you’re bound by some habit you’d like to get rid of, God wants to display His power and show that He can deliver you.

Sermon Series

Making The Best Of A Bad Decision

All of us have made decisions we've regretted. Some of our bad choices had few negative consequences; others have determined the direction of our lives. These messages give hope and help to those who believe they are trapped by a bad decision with ongoing consequences. Through example and Scripture, these …

Sermon Series

Scriptures That Sing

In this series, Pastor Wiersbe explores ten different psalms in order to teach us truths about who God is and what that means for our Christian lives. God’s love for us is so great that He provides for our every need. In good times and bad, we can trust that …

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