Resources About Terminology
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Salvation: Your Choice Or God's?
God chose us for Himself, and our salvation is all about Him.
The Logos
If you’re loved by Jesus, nothing else matters.
This Way To Real Freedom
The way your respond to truth determines your eternal destiny.
The Covenant Keeper
God told Abram, in essence, “Abram, I am about to change the whole world, but I’m going to start with you.”
Truth For Sale
Don’t get your truth secondhand—dig for it yourself.
Sermon Series
What We Believe
Here is spiritual meat that believers need if they wish to grow! A life without doctrine is a tree without roots, a building without a foundation. We must simply choose to "buy the truth and sell it not" as the author of Proverbs admonishes us. The truths in these messages …
You Were Born Rich
If you are in Christ Jesus, you are rich.
Saints Alive
Saints are living people set apart because God has found them.
God's Favorite City
The glories of Zion are ours if we have trusted Christ and have been born again.
Bought At High Cost
Our salvation starts with the Trinity. The Father chose us. The Son redeemed us. The Spirit sealed us.