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Reformation And Regeneration
Helpful for the Sunday school lesson for September 19, 1920. All reformation is after the pattern of Matthew 12:43, “When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.” When one form of amusement is cut off from the wicked-doer, he immediately sets about to find another set; when one mudhole is denied the pig, he immediately proceeds to find another. By law men have tried to make men keep Sunday. Their first purpose was that men might go to church, but, though we have more Sunday enforcement than the … Read More >
The Icon Of Tolerance
There’s One Thing Modern Tolerance Will Not Permit... To hear some people talk, you’d think that sin no longer exists in our society; but if there were one sin left, it would be intolerance. Once a person is branded intolerant, nothing else need be said. They are bigoted and need to be shunned. But let’s examine some of the definitions of this word tolerance closely. Legal tolerance is the basic right of everyone to believe whatever they choose to believe and say whatever they want to say. This kind of tolerance means we have freedom to worship or not worship, … Read More >
The Repeated Request For Revival
“Wilt thou not revive us again?” —Psalm 85:6 Real revival is not a process. Real revival is the outcome or result of the freedom with which we permit the Holy Spirit to operate in and through our lives. Perhaps designations and characterizations have sadly perplexed the issue and distorted the thinking, but what is sorely needed in our accelerated plunge downward is a solemn turning of our hearts Godward in humble submission to His holy will, thus permitting Him to manifest His presence and power in our midst. The present leanness of soul, carelessness of living and barrenness of service … Read More >
What Lies Ahead?
When a Nation Forgets God You may be acquainted with my book Hitler’s Cross, in which I attempt to answer two questions: how could Nazism have arisen in Germany, a country that prided itself in its freedoms? And, why was Hitler not condemned by the pastors of Germany with a unified and consistent voice? Of course, I also paid tribute to those who did courageously stand against Hitler’s agenda. I have taken this study a step further in my new book, When a Nation Forgets God: 7 Lessons We Must Learn from Nazi Germany. Parallels between Nazi Germany and the … Read More >
How To Stand Firm In An Overly Sexualized Culture
Recently, I was asked what changes I have observed over my five decades of ministry. At the top of the list was the impact, scope, and effects of the sexual revolution. Another change I mentioned was the explosion of technology, which has fueled the sexual revolution. We all know the internet is filled with destructive websites promoting an entire range of sexual immorality and LGBTQ+ lifestyles. We no longer have to go looking for pornography—it comes looking for us. Sexual immorality, of course, was one of the after-effects of Adam and Eve’s rebellion against God, which resulted in their banishment … Read More >
Confronting Dangerous Cultural Myths
When I wrote the book Hitler’s Cross, I explained some of the “cultural myths” that fed into the Nazi agenda and thus made Hitler’s Germany possible. These cultural myths are fueled by propaganda that pushes a culture in a destructive direction. In Hitler’s time there were several powerful cultural myths, including that the Jews were sub-human, that whatever was good for Germany was good for Christianity, and that obedience to the state transcends individual conscience, among others. Eric Hoffer said that, “propaganda does not deceive people; it merely helps them to deceive themselves.” The further we drift from God as … Read More >
The Flag And The Unraveling Of America
Dear Friend, When I entered the United States as a Canadian citizen back in 1970, I already had respect for the American flag—long before I became a US citizen. I can honestly say that despite the many faults of the United States—and there are many—I am unashamedly proud to be an America; I gladly say The Pledge of Allegiance and love “Old Glory.” The words in the Pledge, “the Flag of the United States of America,” were intended to make clear to immigrants that his was not the flag of their home country, but a flag intended to represent the … Read More >
Race, Riots & Reconciliation
Due to recent events, we wanted to share an article that Pastor Lutzer wrote back in March of 2015 on "Race, Riots, and Reconciliation." In recent months, our nation has been torn apart by racial riots in cities such as Ferguson, New York City, and Baltimore. By the time this newsletter goes to press, perhaps another city will be under siege, subjected to riots that will heighten outrage and damage property. Unfortunately, the rioters assume guilt on the part of the police without the officers having the opportunity of due process. Perhaps the best example is Officer Darren Wilson of … Read More >
Living As Christians In The New Administration
Uniting Behind Our New President “I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear…” And so it was that with his hand on Lincoln’s Bible, our new president was sworn in to hold the most powerful office in the world. He assumes the presidency with a soaring approval rating and with the expectation that he will begin a new and significant chapter in American history. Back in 1963 Martin Luther King made his famous “I have a dream” speech to a large crowd on the Washington Mall never thinking that forty-five years later an African American would assume the presidency. No matter … Read More >