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Resources About Servanthood

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Information on how to have a servant's heart—to serve God and others.


A Servant's Heart

Greatness: when Jesus knew that His time had come, He, the Creator, got down on His hands and knees and washed the feet of His creation.


Living Clean in a Dirty World

Until we see and admit our sinfulness—until Christ has cleansed us on the inside—we’re dirty no matter how wonderful we look on the outside.


The Gift Of Service

God doesn’t raise up churches unless He raises up people to help them function.

Sermon Series

Christians, Politics, And The Cross

Throughout its turbulent history, the Church has often been diverted from its primary mission. The lure of taking side-roads is tempting, especially in the face of a degenerating culture. We must ask difficult questions and turn to the Bible for answers. In this series, Pastor Erwin Lutzer helps us do …

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