Resources About September 11, 2001
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Is God On America's Side?
Dr. Lutzer thoughtfully navigates the current political climate against the backdrop of biblical history to probe God's role in the affairs of nations - today's United States in particular. He … See More >
Bin Laden Is Dead, But…
Osama bin Laden is dead, but... Yes, we all were relieved to learn Osama bin Laden was killed by US forces. We all remember the video of him laughing about how the September 11, 2001 attacks went even better than planned. He took delight in all of the evils he planned and perpetuated. But are we really “winning the war on radical Islam?” Just because we have not had a successful terrorist attack since 9/11, does not mean we have nothing to fear from the incursion of Islam into our country. Andrew McCarthy, former Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney—a man certainly … Read More >
Terrorism, Refugees, And Our Security
The war is raging. Months ago on television, when I saw the body of a two-year-old boy washed up on a shore, the victim of a capsized boat filled with refugees fleeing the horrors of ISIS, I wanted compassion to win. This precious child represented tens of thousands of refugees who are dying of hunger, lack protection from the weather, and are just plain exhausted. With incredulity and sorrow, we watch the hordes of weary immigrants march across rugged terrain, and pray that they can find a new life. In response to the crisis, several European countries have welcomed these … Read More >
God Is In Control—But Where Was He?
"When the dead are counted, the number will be more than we can bear,” said Mayor Giuliani. And so it is, the number 5,500 is more than we can bear. Why did God not protect Washington and New York City? The same question was asked back in A.D. 410, when Aleric the Goth overpowered the guards at the Salarian Gate and trashed the City of Rome. The citizens were angry, and blamed the disaster on the God of the Christians. They insisted that their own pagan gods would have done a better job of defending the city; but now the … Read More >
The Mosque Or The Manger?
What will Americans be thinking about this Christmas? Around the world, Christians will soon be retelling the familiar story of Jesus’ birth. But the controversy surrounding the “Ground Zero mosque” will also dominate the minds of millions. Two religions—Christianity and Islam—will be in the headlines; both are controversial and both claim to have “the truth” about the nature of God and the path of salvation. The mosque might generate more headlines than the manger, but the manger is far more important than the mosque could ever be. One is a place where people come; the other is the place to … Read More >