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Resources About Self-Perception

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How do we see ourselves? Do we see ourselves as God sees us? Information on how self-perception can be distorted and the ways it can affect relationships.


Three Prerequisites For Change

If you’re bound by some habit you’d like to get rid of, God wants to display His power and show that He can deliver you.

Sermon Series

Identity Traps

Everyone seems to be talking about “identity” these days. But what is “identity”? In this series, Pastor Miller gives us a biblical framework for understanding “identity” by looking at the stories of nine different characters in the Bible and how they tried to build their identities in all the wrong …

Sermon Series

Guard Your Heart

The explosion of technology has come with a host of challenges for both parents and children. Addictions to video games, pornography, and yes, even social media are becoming common in our homes.      How do we guard our hearts in a culture filled with seductive images available on mobile devices? What …


Judging Appearances

Character is more important than appearance. Modesty is more important than acceptance.

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