The High Cost Of Caring
God blesses and uses people who care.
God blesses and uses people who care.
God is the same from age to age.
Watching and praying helps us to overcome many trials and tribulations in life.
Are we prepared to be a part of how God answers prayer?
The strength of a wall is determined by the number of faithful hands who build it.
The grace of Christ applied in a relationship: No matter what you share, I choose to forgive you even before you tell me what’s wrong.
We can’t reclaim the family without reclaiming motherhood.
Choose to give up your anger and bitterness.
Learn about the remarkable life of Nehemiah and how he rebuilt the destroyed walls of Jerusalem when restoration didn’t seem possible. Just as Nehemiah was faithful to build God’s way, Pastor Lutzer gives many practical applications on how we too can repair damaged areas of our lives.
Let us celebrate what God has done for us.