The Lie That God Is More Tolerant Than He Used To Be
Never interpret the silence of God as the indifference of God.
Never interpret the silence of God as the indifference of God.
The power of the father extends over the family whether he is there or not.
When we want to get right with God, we will repay what we have stolen, no matter how small.
Jesus alone can do the deep, inner-transforming work we most desperately long for.
Pastor Lutzer highlights three key differences between the Old and New Covenants, even as God’s justice and grace remains the same.
Fathers, will you lead your families into greater spiritual growth?
Even in a world that changes daily, God remains the same.
Jesus was alienated from His Father that we might be brought near.
A father gives balance to the home, so the implications of fatherlessness are huge.
God owns our environment and our wealth.