What God Does With Forgiven Sin
We keep remembering the sins that God has chosen to forget.
We keep remembering the sins that God has chosen to forget.
When we’re experiencing loss and pain and heartache and grief, it either drives the roots of our faith deep into who God is for us or uproots us altogether.
God’s eternal plan to save people from every nation, tribe, and language is unable to be thwarted.
Even if we come to the right God, we need to approach Him in the right way.
If you believe in a god who does not affect the way you live, you have not believed in the right God.
When we act under God’s name and authority, we need to represent Him well.
Jesus, the Lamb of God, sacrificed Himself and put away our sin by the means of His own blood.
It is much more important to be forgiven than healed.
The example of Christ leads us to reach the outcasts, because He can heal and restore anyone.
The righteous requirements of the Law were fully met in Jesus who offered Himself on our behalf to make us right with God.