When You Need A Miracle
The greatest miracle is the coming of Christ.
The greatest miracle is the coming of Christ.
The reason we are so harassed by Satan is because there is something in our life that we will not give up.
Hitler believed that the compassion of Christianity had failed Germany, and he turned to occultism and false religion.
We have domesticated God. During the Tribulation, we’ll find out that our attempts to make God into our image didn’t work.
When we stand before Jesus, He will reward us for what we have done on Earth.
The departure of Christians from Earth is never permanent.
Antichrist will control the world religiously, politically, economically. Behind him will be a cultural stream no one can stand against.
Jesus Christ is the only suitable substitute for addicts.
The sun is darkened. There is no light from the moon. Yet every eye will see the coming of Christ. Are you prepared for His return?
God doesn’t care much about buildings and temples; He cares about the human heart.