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Resources About Samson

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Information about the biblical figure of Samson.

When A Good Man Falls Cover


When A Good Man Falls

Sin has a way of tripping the best of people, even to the extent that a comeback seems impossible. But in When A Good Man Falls, Erwin Lutzer shows … See More >

Sermon Series

We've Been Down This Road Before

Throughout history, human nature has always tended to seek God during difficult times and forsake Him in times of blessing. In this series of messages, Pastor Lutzer looks at contemporary society through the lens of the book of Judges that portrays the cycle of hardship, repentance, and apostasy. Here is …


Tied Up

“And Samson said unto her, If they bind me with seven green withes that were never dried, then shall I be weak, and be as another man” (Judges 16:7). Samson knew that was a lie when he said it, but nevertheless, although he talked about the things that couldn’t tie him, there came something that did tie him. Coming one day across the Hudson River in a ferryboat, we passed by some of the great vessels belonging to another country. There they were, lying alongside of the dock, vessels that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. A vast amount of … Read More >
