Resources About Same-Sex Marriage
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A Time For Tears: Where Do We Go From Here?
Our society is rebelling against gender, and it is a rebellion against our Creator.
The Battle For Marriage – Part 1
We are all in the same boat and we will all face the consequences of homosexuality’s acceptance.
A Time For Prayer
The Supreme Court is limited in what it can do; it cannot usurp the throne of God.
God's Glory Over The Nations
It’s always a bad idea to rebel against God, because at the end of the day, God will always win.
The Debate Over Same-Sex Marriage
While We Slept When four justices in a Massachusetts courtroom ruled that it was unconstitutional to bar homosexuals from marriage, they set in motion a series of dominoes that no one—not even the gays themselves—could have predicted. In courtrooms throughout different parts of the country, judges flaunted the law and ‘married’ jubilant homosexuals. Repeatedly, the media interviewed those who insisted that the ‘weddings’ were constitutional, other laws not withstanding. The reason that the Massachusetts decision to legalize same-sex marriages was so widely accepted, is that the judges spoke into a cultural climate that had already been conditioned to accept the … Read More >
God, The Supreme Court, And The Unthinkable
All of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States of America cannot change the decisions that have been made by God’s Throne.
A Time For Tears
We live in an age of gender rebellion.
Sermon Series
The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage
From the clamor of the evening news to the hush of a judge's courtroom, there is a battle raging for marriage. The implications for society are profound. Yet many people of faith are confused, asking: Is it really that big of a deal? The spread of same-sex marriage is a …
The Battle For Marriage – Part 2
Ultimately, children with homosexual parents will either be intentionally denied a father or a mother.

Single Sermon CD
A Time For Tears: Where Do We Go From Here?
Gender rebellion is the new trend. Our schools and our leaders have begun to push out gender distinctions. The media glorifies those who have the “courage” to switch genders, utilizing … See More >