Resources About Righteousness
Browse by Topic
Browse by Scripture
The Breastplate Of Righteousness
Human righteousness cannot fight against the devil.
Rescued From Habitual Sin
There is no safe sin.
The Justice Of God
God’s justice is revealed both in the punishment of the wicked and in the lives of the redeemed.
The Gift We Can’t Live Without
Don’t ever think that you can go to heaven without having the righteousness of Christ and being as righteous as God.
Luther: The Wild Boar In The Vineyard
Martin Luther realized that God credits righteousness to us through faith…when he realized this, he was reborn.
Sermon Series
Romans 8
Romans 8 is a declaration of spiritual freedom—a freedom which comes only through faith in Jesus Christ. In Christ, we have victory over sin, purpose in suffering, hope for the future, and eternal security. May we all rejoice in this freedom from condemnation!
Takes More Than Religion
The difference between external and internal righteousness is Jesus Christ.
The Gift Of Righteousness
Through faith in Christ, we are credited with the righteousness of God.
Sermon Series
Alive In Christ
The letter Paul wrote to the Ephesians is all about what it means to be “Alive in Christ.” But have you ever wondered what it would take to be truly alive in Christ? In this series through the book of Ephesians, Pastor Miller shows us how a seed of the …
Outlaws And Inlaws
The fact that you are not condemned does not depend on your walk, it depends on your standing.