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Resources About Repentance

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Information on repentance and why it's necessary for the Christian life.

Ask Pastor Lutzer


I have a brother who just became a Christian. He's a professional gambler, and makes his living by betting on …


Well Mike, I think the answer is yes, because I don’t think betting on professional sports is legal, and even …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


My friend has done some very immoral things over the past couple of years.

I know some Christians think I …


Laura, thank you so much for writing about this, and let me simply analyze your letter as it is.

First …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


Our young adult daughter is dating a professed Christian man who goes to church.

He’s involved with the youth ministry …


First of all, thank you so much for writing. My heart goes out to you because Rebecca and I have …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I need reconciliation with my wife who hasn’t talked to me for three years.

For five years she witnessed to …


Isn’t it interesting that no matter how many questions I answer, every one is unique, every one is different.

And …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I have listened to your Running to Win broadcasts for several years and recently heard your series that dealt with …


Well my friend, what a lifestyle you have lived and what a predicament you are in.

One thing you need …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I’m a single lady (with no children) who has a sexual partner.  I do not feel close to God and …


Thank you so much for writing to me and for asking that very, very important question.

I’m glad that your …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


My mother-in-law and sister-in-law are highly narcissistic.

My husband and I have struggled to love them while also making them accountable …


Kelli, I want you to know that I found your question very, very interesting. It’s intriguing because it deals with …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


Can a calling that the Lord has for a person be rescinded if they become ensnared in a sin like …


Well you know, this is an excellent question and it’s being asked by many pastors and Christian leaders.

And I …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I have a question about the Judgment Seat of Christ.

It sounds like the judgment will be pretty awful for …


Barbara, I want you to know that I understand your question perfectly, because I actually wrote a book about the …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I have a couple of questions about repentance that trouble me.

What is the biblical definition of repentance? Do you …


Lorenzo, you know that in asking this question you’ve kind of jumped into a hornet’s nest because there’s some disagreement …

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