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Resources About Prophecy

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Materials on prophecies found in the Bible.


The King Marries His Bride

Jesus is the only groom who laid down His life for His bride, then was resurrected that He might be able to redeem, cleanse, and marry her.


The King Tolerates His Rival

Antichrist will control the world religiously, politically, economically. Behind him will be a cultural stream no one can stand against.

Sermon Series

The King Is Coming

The return of Christ is the hope of every Christian. Indeed, the New Testament teaches that we should live our entire lives with the return of Christ in mind. “Beloved we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when He …


The Old Testament - Part 2

If you neglect the Bible, you won’t miss it. If you begin to read and meditate on it, you’ll discover that you can’t live without it.

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