Resources About Prayer
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Sermon Series
You Can't Redo Life
The parables of Jesus are ordinary stories with extra-ordinary lessons that expose the superficiality of our faith and values. Jesus—with a penetrating understanding of human nature—shows us the foolishness of seeing life from our limited worldly perspective, and ignoring what God sees and values. These parables teach us how not …
Just Let God Lead
God’s will for our lives is usually quite clear through His Word.
Sermon Series
Prayer That Makes A Difference
Unless we learn to develop a disciplined prayer life, we will never learn to pray effectively. This series contains motivation and instruction on how to develop a life of prayer.
The Power Of Prayer
We can come boldly and confidently to God in prayer through Jesus Christ because of our faith in Him.
Sermon Series
The Disciplines Of The Soul
If we wish to walk with God, we must get beyond good intentions. This series of messages explains practical steps on how to live from within, developing a growing relationship with God. Each message helps us learn how to pay attention to the most important part of our souls, which …
The Power Of Praying Parents
God loves the prayers of desperate people.
Sermon Series
The Triumph Of Unanswered Prayer
If we ask why some Christians abandon the faith they once had, the reason is usually unanswered prayer. The bitter disappointment of knowing that God could heal a child or resolve a bitter dispute, yet He chooses not to do so, leave us wondering whether God actually cares. These messages …
The Sin Of Prayerlessness
Prayerlessness is a sign of a proud heart.
When The Promises Don't Work
Sometimes it is God's will for you to suffer.
Praying For One Another
Prayer is the most powerful and important activity in the world.