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Resources About Peter (Simon)

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Teachings from the life and writings of the apostle Peter.


The Shadow of Peter

It’s a transformed life that touches and helps people in their walk with God.


Renamed By Christ

When you admit who you are and what your sins are, Jesus can change you.


The Legacy of One Life

Be faithful where God has planted you. Serve Christ every single day. Your faithfulness will meet you again and be multiplied by God.


The New Peter

Christ knows who you are; Christ knows who you can be; and Christ has the power to transform you.

Sermon Series

Chiseled By The Master's Hand

Just as the hand of a sculptor works gently and patiently to shape a common stone into a beautiful work of art, so God works in our lives to conform us to the image of His Son. Through the life of Peter we see a stunning example of the transforming …


Freedom in Prison

If the trials and prisons of life take us into the darkest times of our lives, God is with us. He will never abandon us.

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