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Resources About Patience

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Information to help you wait patiently on the Lord.


Secret Fasting

Fasting helps us develop a deeper intimacy with the Most High. 


A Dream Is Revived

God sometimes shatters dreams in order that we might find a brand new dream in Him. 

Blog Post

Why Did God Make Me Disabled, Different, and Despondent?

Her name is Kourtney. I will tell her story in a moment. First, however, I’d like to explain some theological matters about God’s relationship to those who are born with a disability or with limited giftedness and a perceived lack of physical beauty. What is God’s involvement, if any, in the way each of us was formed, our appearance, or who we would strive to become? Many theologians seek to absolve God of all responsibility for the “mistakes of nature” by posing the argument that because of sin, nature is fallen. Therefore, God has a “hands off policy” about many … Read More >


Who Can You Trust?

The subject of trust, or rather lack of trust, is in the headlines these days. I’m writing at a time when new allegations of sexual abuse by priests are being reported every day. Hundreds of people are coming forward to say that someone they trusted — indeed, someone who supposedly represented the highest degree of integrity — deceived them. We’ve all heard of the Enron debacle. We are told that when the wealthy knew the ship was sinking, they bailed out on well-endowed life rafts and left the common investor to float on the open sea. One retiree said that … Read More >

Ask Pastor Lutzer


My husband has Alzheimer’s disease and has begun to yell at me all the time. As a Christian, I’m having …


Well, thank you, my dear sister, for your question, and it is a dilemma that I’m sure is close to …

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