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The Battle For Marriage – Part 1
We are all in the same boat and we will all face the consequences of homosexuality’s acceptance.
Sermon Series
The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage
From the clamor of the evening news to the hush of a judge's courtroom, there is a battle raging for marriage. The implications for society are profound. Yet many people of faith are confused, asking: Is it really that big of a deal? The spread of same-sex marriage is a …
The Battle For Marriage – Part 2
Ultimately, children with homosexual parents will either be intentionally denied a father or a mother.
What's At Stake For The Church?
More is at stake in 2020 than public policy and political leadership. Recently, Decision spoke with Erwin Lutzer, author and pastor emeritus of The Moody Church, about what’s at stake for the church in a culture that seems ever more secular and opposed to biblical truth. Q: What issues does the church need to address this coming year? A: I believe that as the church enters 2020, many of the issues we’ve already seen are going to have to be confronted, and there is really no place to hide. Courage will be essential—the willingness to stand for truth against incredible … Read More >

The Eclipse Of God
“By design, this volume comes as a direct hit…Erwin Lutzer aims right at the center of our cultural crisis. At heart, it is a theological crisis.” —R. Albert Mohler Jr. … See More >
God, The Supreme Court, And The Unthinkable
All of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States of America cannot change the decisions that have been made by God’s Throne.
Engage The Culture
Christians are being vilified, leading to public intimidation.
Christians In The Courtroom
The exaltation of individual rights plus the descent of morals and integrity provide the perfect recipe for lawsuits.
God's Glory Over The Nations
It’s always a bad idea to rebel against God, because at the end of the day, God will always win.
Christian Nationalism
What is our relationship with government, and when do we cross the line and begin to promote politics rather than the Gospel? In this thought-provoking and timely forty-minute lecture delivered onsite in Nuremberg, Pastor Erwin Lutzer explores the stadium where Hitler’s rallies were held as well as the courtroom where Nazi war criminals were tried. He discusses topics such as citizenship, national borders, morality, and political polarization.