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Resources About Injustice

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Information on what to do when facing injustice in your life.


Is God Unfair?

The Great White Throne Judgment When Terrified Multitudes Stand Before God Unprepared There is no topic as terrifying as the Great White Throne Judgment…but what do we really know about it? Let’s look at Revelation 20:11-15 together. Who is on this majestic throne? We can be sure that Jesus is sitting on this throne, for God has “committed all judgment unto the Son” (John 5:22). Jesus is now the Judge of all the unredeemed. His throne is great, majestic, and being white, signifies His holy justice and impartiality. Who are the defendants standing in line? John continues, “I saw the … Read More >


Race, Riots & Reconciliation

Due to recent events, we wanted to share an article that Pastor Lutzer wrote back in March of 2015 on "Race, Riots, and Reconciliation." In recent months, our nation has been torn apart by racial riots in cities such as Ferguson, New York City, and Baltimore. By the time this newsletter goes to press, perhaps another city will be under siege, subjected to riots that will heighten outrage and damage property. Unfortunately, the rioters assume guilt on the part of the police without the officers having the opportunity of due process. Perhaps the best example is Officer Darren Wilson of … Read More >
