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Resources About Faith

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Information on faith, who you should have faith in, and what God allows in our lives to strengthen our faith in Him.

Sermon Series

Great Women Of Bible History

Throughout the Bible, God honors and protects womanhood. Pastor Wiersbe uses the stories of some Old Testament women to teach us about faith, sin, relationships, love, grace, and prayer.


Knowing For Sure

Saving faith is the deep-seated conviction that what Jesus did on the cross is all we need to stand in the presence of a holy God.


A Tested Faith

When God wants to expose the idols in our lives, He sometimes chooses what is most precious to test us.


The Shield Of Faith

We need to identify the lies we believe—the things that aren’t biblical.

Sermon Series

How You Can Be Sure You Will Spend Eternity With God

Is it possible to know in this life where you will spend eternity? Many who expect to enter heaven will be disappointed, discovering too late that they were mistaken. In this series Pastor Lutzer explains grace and assurance, along with justification and the new birth. These messages are not simply …

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