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Resources About Easter

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Information about the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ.


Silent Night, Holy War

We may lose some battles against Satan, but because of Christ, the war is won.

Sermon Series

The Vanishing Power Of Death

The resurrection of Jesus Christ, a historical fact verified by a wealth of evidence, lies at the very core of what we believe. These messages, preached by Pastor Lutzer over the course of several Resurrection Sundays, present both the joy and the wider implications of our resurrection faith. You will …


The Betrayed

Jesus died in our place, for our sake, to bear all our sin and shame. He drank the cup of judgment and rose again on the third day in order that we might go free.


The Kiss

We should all question, “Is it I, Lord?” Do we really belong to Jesus?


The Resurrection

Jesus Himself is the key to resurrection life in the here and now.

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