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Resources About Deception

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Information on deception: deceiving others, deceiving ourselves and deceiving God.

Ask Pastor Lutzer


I have an older brother who is having another affair. He’s confided in me about these relationships.

Now he’s involved …


Well Larry, my heart goes out to you. And you’re in a very, very critical situation, but I do need …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I heard your sermons about money and investing it, and you said something that really got to me.

There’s a …


Oh Emma, I’m so glad that you heard that sermon, and I’m so glad that God pricked your conscience, and …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I’ve been dating a man who’s had previous sexual relationships. We’re happy together, and I’d really like to marry him. …


Well Ruth, from my heart to yours, you have a right to have doubts. If he hasn’t been totally honest …

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