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Resources About Church & State

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Information on the role of the church in government, as well as church and state issues.

Blog Post

A Preaching Tour in Albania–April 15-25, 2023

I’ve been impacted by a recent speaking tour in Albania. I have visited many different countries in the world, but this trip to Albania has affected me most deeply. My wife, Rebecca, and I returned with a burden for that country, but also for America. There are lessons learned, observations made, and scenes that will stay with me until I die. Some background. Albania was Stalinized beginning in 1944, and by 1967, it was the first country in the world to include in its constitution that there is no God. The surveillance of the people was so detailed and so … Read More >

Sermon Series

Light Shining In Darkness

The book of Acts shows us the light of the Gospel confronting the pagan culture of the day. This is especially clear in the courage and relentless passion of Paul and his companions as they established churches and witnessed wherever they went. In this series of messages, Pastor Lutzer helps …

Sermon Series

Christians, Politics, And The Cross

Throughout its turbulent history, the Church has often been diverted from its primary mission. The lure of taking side-roads is tempting, especially in the face of a degenerating culture. We must ask difficult questions and turn to the Bible for answers. In this series, Pastor Erwin Lutzer helps us do …

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