Resources About Christian Living
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What A Christian Really Needs
The beatitudes are the attitudes that should be in our lives.
Sermon Series
You Can't Redo Life
The parables of Jesus are ordinary stories with extra-ordinary lessons that expose the superficiality of our faith and values. Jesus—with a penetrating understanding of human nature—shows us the foolishness of seeing life from our limited worldly perspective, and ignoring what God sees and values. These parables teach us how not …
In The Potter's House
Are we ready to be remade by the divine Potter?
Let Freedom Reign!
Enjoy these spiritual freedoms for God’s glory.
Living In Two Worlds
Unless we have a good vision of the invisible world while we’re living in the visible world, we’re hopeless indeed.
Sermon Series
What We Believe
Here is spiritual meat that believers need if they wish to grow! A life without doctrine is a tree without roots, a building without a foundation. We must simply choose to "buy the truth and sell it not" as the author of Proverbs admonishes us. The truths in these messages …
Sermon Series
Sermon On The Mount
The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most famous teachings in the Bible. Pastor Wiersbe walks us through Jesus’ lessons one at a time in order to explain what true Christian character looks like. As we dive into each blessing, we find many truths that can be applied …
Built Together For A Habitation Of God
“Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: in whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit. In this second chapter of Ephesians we have already had brought before us in a very vivid way our relationship to the Father as those who have been quickened together … Read More >
The Woman We Must Never Forget
Turn away from the ways of the world and don’t look back.
Sermon Series
Romans 8
Romans 8 is a declaration of spiritual freedom—a freedom which comes only through faith in Jesus Christ. In Christ, we have victory over sin, purpose in suffering, hope for the future, and eternal security. May we all rejoice in this freedom from condemnation!