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Resources About Salvation

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Materials on salvation: God's plan of redemption, how to be sure you are saved, and how God Himself paid for it all.

Sermon Series

The Inheritance Of The Redeemed

Christians often do not know how much God has graciously given them. In this series, Pastor Lutzer attempts to remedy that problem by showing us eight biblical gifts from God that are an inheritance for the redeemed. Come and praise God as you behold His marvelous provision for His people.

Sermon Series


These messages, based on the book of Romans, show that in the gift of salvation we see God at His best; the cross is God’s farthest outreach to us. Here we see the full range of His attributes, all converging together in an ambitious rescue plan for us as sinners. …

Sermon Series

When Jesus Has Your Heart

When Jesus told the disciples that He was about to leave them and return to the Father, fear filled their hearts. Yet He gave them words of comfort and assurance—words that still inspire and bless us today. In fact, the most cherished passage in the Bible is known as the …

Sermon Series

One Minute After You Die

These messages will answer intriguing questions about your final destination, such as: How shall we interpret near death experiences? What will heaven be like? Do our friends in heaven know how we are doing on Earth? What will be different when we get to heaven? What stays the same? To …

Sermon Series

How You Can Be Sure You Will Spend Eternity With God

Is it possible to know in this life where you will spend eternity? Many who expect to enter heaven will be disappointed, discovering too late that they were mistaken. In this series Pastor Lutzer explains grace and assurance, along with justification and the new birth. These messages are not simply …

Sermon Series

You Can't Redo Life

The parables of Jesus are ordinary stories with extra-ordinary lessons that expose the superficiality of our faith and values. Jesus—with a penetrating understanding of human nature—shows us the foolishness of seeing life from our limited worldly perspective, and ignoring what God sees and values. These parables teach us how not …

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