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Running to Win - 25 Minutes

Things That Must Come To Pass – Part 2 of 2

January 06, 2025

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In life, there are few certainties, but in the plan of God, there are some things that must happen. Every word of Scripture must be fulfilled. In this message, Pastor Lutzer offers a fresh view of how God sees all the challenges we face. In eternity, we’ll have complete understanding, but for now, we must rest in the wisdom of God.

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Seven Snares Of The Enemy

Seven Snares Of The Enemy

Many people struggle with secret sins that destroy their souls. The seven common snares Satan uses to keep people in bondage are: greed, gambling, alcoholism, pornography, sexual affairs, the search for pleasure, and occultism. There are many 'modern' sins ensnaring more and more people every day. Some are blatant, but many are secret, seducing the participant into behavior that separates them from God. What must we do to be free? 

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