When God Opens The Curtain For You – Part 1 of 2

We all have an appointment with death. And for believers in Christ, when our time comes to die, we can know God has ordained it to happen for His glory. In this message, Pastor Lutzer offers five ass…
Thursday, August 1

When God Opens The Curtain For You – Part 2 of 2

There’s not a government program, insurance policy, or medical procedure which can stop our appointment with death. Coming to grips with our own mortality is a sobering thing we all need to do. In th…
Friday, August 2

The Second Generation Syndrome – 1 of 2

After the death of the Israelites who had entered the Promised Land, the next generation forgot God. They turned to other gods that encouraged sinfulness, and quickly became enslaved to their sin. In…
Monday, August 5

The Second Generation Syndrome – 2 of 2

Often, a second generation assumes inherited benefits are their rights. In the end, God might just give them over to the sins they crave. In this message, Pastor Lutzer considers three lessons about …
Tuesday, August 6

Wanted: Leaders – 1 of 2

During the time of the judges, the nation of Israel was in a terrible cycle. They fell into the sins of their neighbors, and God handed them over to bondage. In this message from Judges 3, Pastor Lut…
Wednesday, August 7

Wanted: Leaders – 2 of 2

When we’re enjoying our sins, what does it take for us to give it all up and repent? For Israel, it took an oppressive rule by a pagan king. In this message, Pastor Lutzer assesses three deficient vi…
Thursday, August 8

A Woman Against The World – 1 of 2

God often uses darkness to bring about light. Oppressed under yet another evil king, the Israelites cried out and God sent a deliverer named Deborah. In this message from Judges 5-6, Pastor Lutzer in…
Friday, August 9

A Woman Against The World – 2 of 2

The nation of Israel had turned away from God to the idols saturating the nations around them. During oppressive pagan rule, Deborah’s wisdom and prophetic gift lead the entire nation of Israel. In t…
Monday, August 12

When God Comes Calling – Part 1 of 2

What does it mean to follow the call of God on our lives? God called Gideon to lead Israel, but not before commanding him when to destroy the idols in his own backyard. In this message from Judges 6,…
Tuesday, August 13

When God Comes Calling – Part 2 of 2

Israel was in bondage both to sin and to the Midianites. But God showed up and called Gideon to deliver the people. In this message from Judges 6, Pastor Lutzer defines three lessons from God’s call …
Wednesday, August 14

Trying To Read God's Mind – Part 1 of 2

Gideon, full of doubts about the will of God, put out a fleece seeking a sign. God obliged him, but we’re not encouraged to seek signs. In this message from Judges 6, Pastor Lutzer specifies three pr…
Thursday, August 15

Trying To Read God's Mind – Part 2 of 2

How do we find the will of God? Most of the time, people who try to use a “fleece” like Gideon did experience even more doubt. In this message, Pastor Lutzer counsels us to find God’s will through fi…
Friday, August 16

How God Wins Battles – Part 1 of 2

Everyone is fighting some kind of battle. While Gideon was a doubting man, God commanded Gideon to send most of his army home. In this message from Judges 7, Pastor Lutzer looks at the faith and the …
Monday, August 19

How God Wins Battles – Part 2 of 2

If God is fighting our battles, it is He who wins our battles. When Gideon and his small band defeated the Midianites, it was about who gets the glory. In this message, Pastor Lutzer outlines three l…
Tuesday, August 20

When Evil Rules – Part 1 of 2

Many believe humans are basically good, but we all encounter evil both outside of us and within us. In this message from Judges 9, Pastor Lutzer highlights three characteristics of evil from the cons…
Wednesday, August 21

When Evil Rules – Part 2 of 2

Why do evil people emerge, wreaking death and destruction on helpless people? When we understand the roots of evil, we can face our struggles with it. In this message, Pastor Lutzer provides three ta…
Thursday, August 22

God, Man, And A Foolish Decision – Part 1 of 2

Nothing’s worse than following through on a rash promise. Jephthah led the Israelites to freedom from their enemies, but his life was disturbed by one rash vow. In this message from Judges 10, Pastor…
Friday, August 23

God, Man, And A Foolish Decision – Part 2 of 2

Despite his troubled past, Jephthah developed leadership and diplomacy, submitting to the Spirit. But a rash vow cost him his daughter. In this message from Judges 11, Pastor Lutzer address the two d…
Monday, August 26

Samson: The Man Who Had It All – Part 1 of 2

Samson was a man of great strength but weak morals. He had a remarkable upbringing with godly parents. In this message from Judges 13, Pastor Lutzer notices the privileges Samson had: his birth, occu…
Tuesday, August 27

Samson: The Man Who Had It All – Part 2 of 2

A godly heritage does not keep us from moral failure. Samson was set apart to help liberate Israel, but he squandered his life. In this message from Judges 13, Pastor Lutzer focuses on three lessons …
Wednesday, August 28

Samson: A Marriage Doomed To Fail – Part 1 of 2

Marriage usually reveals the character issues lying under the surface. Samson insisted on marrying a Philistine. In this message from Judges 14, Pastor Lutzer maps out five pitfalls in Samson’s marri…
Thursday, August 29

Samson: A Marriage Doomed To Fail – Part 2 of 2

Many wonder why God seems to bless those who live in disobedience to His will. Samson compromised morally with his choice of a wife. In this message, Pastor Lutzer distinguishes three lessons from Sa…
Friday, August 30