The Cross: The Suffering Of God – Part 2 of 2

Skeptics question God’s love. But we must point them to the cross where the Son of God suffered for our sake and died. In this message from Isaiah 53, Pastor Lutzer shows three implications of God’s …
Monday, July 1

The Cross: The Basis For Reconciliation – 1 of 2

The world is filled with barriers and conflicts which divide people. These differences are also reflected in the church. In this message from Ephesians 2, Pastor Lutzer shows three barriers to reconc…
Tuesday, July 2

The Cross: The Basis For Reconciliation – 2 of 2

God’s design for the church is to be a transnational community. But what is the basis for reconciling people of such different backgrounds? In this message from Ephesians 2, Pastor Lutzer reveals thr…
Wednesday, July 3

The Cross: The Basis For Morality – 1 of 2

Many people are praying for a rekindling of Christian morality in our nation. Corinth was a sinful city, yet Paul didn’t demand morality of the city. In this message from 1 Corinthians 5, Pastor Lutz…
Thursday, July 4

The Cross: The Basis For Morality – 2 of 2

Our nation is adrift in a sea of moral relativism with no answer to the problem of guilt. The cross of Christ is the moral compass we need. In this message from 1 Corinthians 6, Pastor Lutzer challen…
Friday, July 5

The Cross: Our Challenge Before A Watching World – 1 of 2

The world thinks the cross we preach is foolish. How do we bring the message of the cross to a rejecting world? In this message from Philippians 2, Pastor Lutzer describes three changes Jesus made in…
Monday, July 8

The Cross: Our Challenge Before A Watching World – 2 of 2

We all have a lot more to be humble about than Jesus did. But Jesus chose to lay aside His rights and His glory to be our sin bearer. In this message, Pastor Lutzer helps us see God’s great reversal …
Tuesday, July 9

A Glimpse Of Our Father's Face – Part 1 of 2

False ideas about God are everywhere, but God has revealed Himself in the Scriptures. We don’t have a visual description of Him, nor should we attempt to find one. In this message, Pastor Lutzer give…
Wednesday, July 10

A Glimpse Of Our Father's Face – Part 2 of 2

God is invisible to us, but He’s revealed Himself through the Scriptures in ways we can understand. For example, we learn of the Lord “making His face to shine upon us.” In this message, Pastor Lutze…
Thursday, July 11

Before Our Savior's Face – Part 1 of 2

Imagine looking into the face of Christ. In this message, if we walk by His side during His last days, Jesus’ face displays determination, submission, and suffering. Pastor Lutzer captures five diffe…
Friday, July 12

Before Our Savior's Face – Part 2 of 2

The Bible says, “No man can see God and live.” That means nobody can see God in our earthly bodies—but one day we will be transformed. In this message from Revelation 22, Pastor Lutzer celebrates the…
Monday, July 15

A Glimpse Behind The Curtain – Part 1 of 2

Throughout the ages, many people have had near-death or out-of-body experiences. Most of the stories are strikingly similar in saying that there’s no concern for future judgment. In this message from…
Tuesday, July 16

A Glimpse Behind The Curtain – Part 2 of 2

Death is no respecter of persons. One day, we all will pass beyond this present life and face what lies on the other side. In this message from Luke 16, Pastor Lutzer contrasts the incredible differe…
Wednesday, July 17

The Descent Into Gloom – Part 1 of 2

What happens after unbelievers die? From Genesis to Revelation, we see glimpses of what the afterlife is like. In this message, Pastor Lutzer distinguishes between the grave, “Sheol” as the place of …
Thursday, July 18

The Descent Into Gloom – Part 2 of 2

We could die in a moment of time—a heart attack, a car accident. Our destiny, after we die, is determined in this life since God will judge according to our deeds. In this message from Luke 16, Pasto…
Friday, July 19

The Ascent Into Glory – Part 1 of 2

Death. We do everything we can to avoid it, yet it’s how God calls His children home. In this message, Pastor Lutzer considers five captivating images throughout the New Testament on death. For those…
Monday, July 22

The Ascent Into Glory – Part 2 of 2

Most of us have some fear of death. But the Bible paints some lovely pictures of what happens when a Christian dies. In this message, Pastor Lutzer highlights three lessons from the death of a believ…
Tuesday, July 23

Welcome! You Have Arrived – Part 1 of 2

Many of us wonder what heaven will be like. For those of us who have trusted Christ alone as our Savior, heaven will be our destination one minute after we die. In this message from 2 Corinthians 5, …
Wednesday, July 24

Welcome! You Have Arrived – Part 2 of 2

We all have questions about heaven: “What will our resurrected bodies be like? Will others recognize us? Will babies and children be there?” In this message, Pastor Lutzer reflects on two implication…
Thursday, July 25

Living In The New Jerusalem – Part 1 of 2

One day a city will descend to Earth radiating the glory of God. This glorious city, the New Jerusalem, is incomparable. In this message from Revelation 21-22, Pastor Lutzer considers the many new ex…
Friday, July 26

Living In The New Jerusalem – Part 2 of 2

The New Jerusalem will be miles tall with gates and streets of jewels and precious metals. It’s beyond our capacity to even think on that scale or to ponder such beauty. In this message, Pastor Lutze…
Monday, July 29

Can Modern Man Believe In Hell? – Part 1 of 2

Hell is a place of judgment that few take seriously. Punishment will be based on God’s meticulous judgment of what unbelievers did with what they knew. In this message from Revelation 20, Pastor Lutz…
Tuesday, July 30

Can Modern Man Believe In Hell? – Part 2 of 2

Many have misconceptions of what the Bible says about hell, especially since it’s so counter to our sensibilities. After all, who really believes in demons, pitchforks, and hot licking flames? In thi…
Wednesday, July 31