A Heavenly Heart Part 1
Anxiety isn’t something we can turn off—it has a way of controlling our thoughts. But in our storm of anxious thoughts, Jesus’ promise of heaven fixes our eyes on the shore. In this message, we focus…
Friday, April 1
A Heavenly Heart Part 2
Have you experienced crippling fear? Our everyday problems—sickness, financial distress, or vocational challenges—often intensify our anxiety. In this message, we reflect on Jesus’ promise of heaven …
Monday, April 4
A Believing Heart Part 1
In the Upper Room, Jesus said that those who would believe in Him would do greater works than He did. At first glance, that appears impossible. What works could be greater than His? With a believing …
Tuesday, April 5
A Believing Heart Part 2
In the Upper Room, Jesus seems to say that whatever we request, we can have. What are the conditions for answered prayer? Is it based on how fully we believe? In this message, we examine Jesus’ teach…
Wednesday, April 6
A Strengthened Heart Part 1
Children need love, acceptance, and security but many of us have felt abandoned. When Jesus discussed his own departure from earth, He promised to send the Holy Spirit to provide spiritual strength f…
Thursday, April 7
A Strengthened Heart Part 2
In lonely apartments, in times of crisis, or in times of need, the Holy Spirit is with us. The presence and the power of the Spirit is promised to all who believe in Jesus. Will we receive Him today …
Friday, April 8
A Peaceful Heart Part 1
Peace seems elusive in a world more hectic than ever and more hostile to Christ. But Jesus offers His peace to those who believe in Him. In this message, we find three dimensions of the Lord’s peace:…
Monday, April 11
A Peaceful Heart Part 2
Despite our health issues, broken relationships, or uncertain financial futures, Jesus’ peace brings stability and hope. On His last night before the cross, Jesus said that all who believe in Him can…
Tuesday, April 12
A Fruitful Heart Part 1
Jesus offers us His enduring power. His disciples were common people of the land, who could understand His metaphor of fruit-bearing for the spiritual life. In this message, we discover the first of …
Wednesday, April 13
A Fruitful Heart Part 2
What do you want your epitaph to say? We all want to live a good life and contribute to others. For believers, we don’t measure the fruitfulness of our lives based on worldly success. In this message…
Thursday, April 14
Resurrected Dreams Part 1
The pain and disappointment had hit home. When Jesus died, His disciples’ dreams died. Their best-laid plans were in ruins. Was it best to move on and forget those three wonderful years with Christ? …
Friday, April 15
Resurrected Dreams Part 2
After Jesus had died, two disciples walked away from Jerusalem thinking all their hopes had died with Him—until a mysterious stranger met them on the road. Their hearts were strangely captivated by t…
Monday, April 18
The Keeper Of The Keys
We are frequently presented with competing perspectives about Jesus. Some think of Him as a teacher or a revolutionary, avoiding Him as they go on with their lives. In this message, we glimpse the tr…
Tuesday, April 19
A Loving Heart Part 1
We all need true friends, even those of us who feel burned or guarded in our relationships. Jesus told us how love is manifested—that a man lay down his life for his friends. In this message, we find…
Wednesday, April 20
A Loving Heart Part 2
Every one of us wants to be truly known—and still fully loved. We all desire those kinds of human friendships. But the One who lives this best is Jesus. In this message from the Upper Room, we learn …
Thursday, April 21
A Courageous Heart Part 1
We all have experienced naysayers or even outright enemies. But for believers, we can expect to be persecuted because of our relationship to Christ. The better the world understands Christ, the more …
Friday, April 22
A Courageous Heart Part 2
We might hope for smooth relationships, jobs, or social lives. But Christians can expect to be misunderstood for their faith in Jesus Christ. In this message, we hear Christ’s instructions on how to …
Monday, April 25
A Witnessing Heart Part 1
We all grow up believing lies about ourselves and about God. There’s one sin, one standard, and one danger that we must all face. In this message, we discover how the Spirit of God uncovers the truth…
Tuesday, April 26
A Witnessing Heart Part 2
Many people are not interested in Christianity at all. They are totally turned off by some Christians. In fact, it’s impossible for anyone to come to Christ apart from the Holy Spirit drawing them. I…
Wednesday, April 27
An Understanding Heart Part 1
When circumstances bring sorrow to our hearts, we often feel helpless. But our story isn’t done yet. While many gladly anticipated Jesus’ death, His disciples were saddened when Jesus predicted the c…
Thursday, April 28
An Understanding Heart Part 2
Why would anyone rejoice in circumstances that are depressing, painful, or seemingly impossible? Jesus knew that the disciples would be tested in ways they could not imagine after He went to the cros…
Friday, April 29