Keeping Your Conscience Clear Part 2
To maintain a clear conscience, we need to be vigilant against the works of darkness that may find their way into our lives. That’s why Paul told the Ephesian believers to “walk as childr…
Monday, March 1
We Will Not Be Silenced Interview Part 1
The culture is too far gone to reclaim, and even the church is buying into a decaying culture. But we can still reclaim the church by turning to God in repentance a…
Tuesday, March 2
We Will Not Be Silenced Interview Part 2
The American ideal of free speech is in tatters. Now, it's only free if you agree with the mainstream media. Freedom is in mortal danger even when we worship, as police knock on church doors like the…
Wednesday, March 3
We Will Not Be Silenced Interview Part 3
Incalculable damage is being done to the next generation as our kids are sexualized at ever younger ages. Hitler said, "he who owns the children owns the future." Today's culture knows this. That's w…
Thursday, March 4
We Will Not Be Silenced Interview Part 4
As radical Islam partners with the radical left in America, the net effect is the ultimate destruction of all we hold dear. These are perilous times, and we must be determined to not be silenced. Wil…
Friday, March 5
The Origin Of The Nations Part 1
Terrorism. Famines. Assassinations. What does God have to do with the events we read about in our newspaper? When things seem to slip out of control, don't forget this: The God who made the nations i…
Monday, March 8
The Origin Of The Nations Part 2
Origins are important and that’s why God recorded the beginnings of human history in the book of Genesis. Here we find out where we came from as members of the world's nations, descendants of t…
Tuesday, March 9
God's Providence Among The Nations Part 1
Some think random chance dictates what happens on planet earth. But believers have this perspective: The Bible reveals God as more than just a bystander. He actively determines the fates of nations. …
Wednesday, March 10
God's Providence Among The Nations Part 2
As we wrestle with the mystery of God’s hidden will, we must acknowledge His sovereign control of history. Sometimes He uses the bad guys to judge the good guys. While God’s providence ma…
Thursday, March 11
God's Judgment Of The Nations Part 1
Sometimes it seems that the bad guys keep winning. Terrorism and mayhem are everywhere. Some ask: “Is God still in control?” But we must remember that justice delayed is not justice denie…
Friday, March 12
God's Judgment Of The Nations Part 2
God will judge a nation for its unprincipled expansion, arrogance, and violence. But when it comes to America’s follies, our national sins include indifference to God and the acceptance of witc…
Monday, March 15
Understanding The Wrath Of God Part 1
Few of us would make the wrath of God our first choice for a Bible study. Yet God’s prophets thundered words of His judgment to the people of their day. God’s warnings to the nations have…
Tuesday, March 16
Understanding The Wrath Of God Part 2
The blessings of God are bestowed on people and nations that follow His commands. His judgment takes many forms, like natural disasters and the deprivation of personal freedoms. In this message we lo…
Wednesday, March 17
God And The United States Part 1
Many of us have the idea that God owes us His favor. After all, we’re Americans. But as we run the race of life, let’s ask ourselves if God owes us anything. After examining the evidence,…
Thursday, March 18
God And The United States Part 2
The struggle over the public viewing of God’s law to man led to Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore being ousted from office—evidence that God is being systematically excluded from public lif…
Friday, March 19
The Nations In Prophecy Part 1
On our plane of existence things are clearly a mess. Aren’t you glad there’s Someone in charge who lives on another plane of existence? God's unseen Hand is guiding the forces of history …
Monday, March 22
The Nations In Prophecy Part 2
Jesus once spoke of a coming judgment of the nations designed to separate the sheep from the goats. When He spoke of this in Matthew 25, He made it clear that there are only two destinies for any of …
Tuesday, March 23
Rescued By A Hand From Heaven Part 1
If you’re tossed overboard into a stormy sea, the most important thing on your mind is being rescued. Humanity is drowning in the stormy sea of sin, and even though most don’t r…
Wednesday, March 24
Rescued By A Hand From Heaven Part 2
When a man is clinging to a life preserver, he knows he needs help. He knows he is not self-sufficient. But in today’s culture, many people get offended if you tell them there’s nothing t…
Thursday, March 25
Rescued From Moral Self-Deception Part 1
Reading the book of Romans is like shining a light into darkness. In its pages we see ourselves as we really are. We find that, apart from God’s grace, we are capable of awful things. In fact, …
Friday, March 26
Rescued From Moral Self-Deception Part 2
In Romans chapter one, Paul reveals that fallen mankind suppresses the truth, darkening their minds and committing moral perversion, all the while thinking that they’re more enlightened than th…
Monday, March 29
Rescued From Religious Self-Deception Part 1
Religion can prevent people from understanding the truth about themselves. Religion can breed the pride that says, “I’m okay.” In Romans chapter two, Paul addresses the religious el…
Tuesday, March 30
Rescued From Religious Self-Deception Part 2
When we adopt an aura of religious respectability, it’s amazing what dark secrets lie beneath the surface where no one can see. We deceive ourselves and say God makes an exception for us, but n…
Wednesday, March 31