The Eleventh Commandment Part 1
Written by God on tablets of stone, the Ten Commandments defined proper behavior. Those who know and love God not only follow these ten laws, but on a higher plane, they follow an eleventh: to &ldquo…
Monday, August 3
The Eleventh Commandment Part 2
Loving God with all our hearts, and our neighbors as ourselves, fulfills the law and pleases our Creator. Obeying this commandment means obeying all ten of the commands God wrote on tablets of stone …
Tuesday, August 4
A Living Church Part 1
New life comes to a church when revival begins, and there's no doubt we could use a great awakening now. What are the indications that God is making His presence known in a special way? In this messa…
Wednesday, August 5
A Living Church Part 2
The church in Thessalonica underwent persecution, but nonetheless exhibited the joy of the Lord, despite their trials. That’s what happens when God’s presence is very real, as it is durin…
Thursday, August 6
A Serving Church Part 1
Most people set their priorities in selfish ways. It’s unusual when people give others first place. But in ancient Thessalonica, a desire to serve others was evident. Paul commended this church…
Friday, August 7
A Serving Church Part 2
Servants continue to serve others even when those they serve don’t appreciate it. They know that God watches their service and is pleased. In this message we learn that a serving church is a ch…
Monday, August 10
The Church Takes A Stand Part 1
It’s not always popular to be seen taking a stand. But when God comes in unusual power to a church, we often see courage and resolve that was not there before. In this message we learn how the …
Tuesday, August 11
The Church Takes A Stand Part 2
Taking a stand for what’s right means going against the prevailing tide. To do this, we need strength from God—a strength that comes from developing a life of prayer. The Apostle Paul mod…
Wednesday, August 12
The Church Is Holy Part 1
In one sense, we have way too many options to fill our time. A thousand voices demand our attention via radio, TV, movies, and the internet. But developing godly character requires developing our inn…
Thursday, August 13
The Church Is Holy Part 2
There are laws at work in the spiritual universe—laws that can neither be debated, nor circumvented. We may claim freedom from the law as believers, thinking we can do as we please. But God has…
Friday, August 14
The Church Is Watchful Part 1
The Christian knows that this present world is not his final home. In First Thessalonians we learn of the glorious return of Jesus to set right all that is wrong, and to take His followers to be with…
Monday, August 17
The Church Is Watchful Part 2
Some people are early risers, who do their best work in the morning. Others are night owls, who prefer to sleep in and stay up late. The Bible also talks about people of the day and of the night, but…
Tuesday, August 18
People Will Pray Part 1
We know that God is always with His people, as He’s promised to be. But there are also times of His special presence in power. These are known as times of revival, when new life comes to the ch…
Wednesday, August 19
People Will Pray Part 2
The city of Chicago felt the mighty wind of the Spirit during the days of D.L. Moody, the founder of The Moody Church. We’re learning about those special times when God comes to church, and in …
Thursday, August 20
Worship That God Accepts Part 1
Many of us are burdened with debt at the same time as our jobs are in jeopardy. So, what do we do? In this message we begin a series that will show us how to honor God no matter how empty our wallets…
Friday, August 21
Worship That God Accepts Part 2
In the book of Exodus, we read of the building of God’s tabernacle. There we find great detail about everyone’s contribution, both of time and treasure, to make the project a success. Whe…
Monday, August 24
When Giving Less Is More Part 1
It’s always big news when a wealthy benefactor gives a few million dollars to a college or pays for a new hospital wing. But no one seems to notice a poor person giving a quarter to someone els…
Tuesday, August 25
When Giving Less Is More Part 2
Have you ever considered that God is observing our giving? He sees every area of our lives. Jesus was in the Temple courtyard, watching as the rich made sure the crowds saw them give. Then, He looked…
Wednesday, August 26
Invest With Your R.O.I. In Mind Part 1
While Christians have bank accounts on earth, we also have accounts in heaven. There we lay up treasures “where moth and rust do not corrupt.” In this message we’ll learn why the lo…
Thursday, August 27
Invest With Your R.O.I. In Mind Part 2
Some might see giving generously to the church as a waste. Jesus told a parable exploding this myth once and for all. The bottom line: money given to transform the lives of others bears a thousand-pe…
Friday, August 28
Believing In The Harvest Part 1
Farmers know it’s pretty simple: no seeds, no plants. No plants, no vegetables. No vegetables, no harvest. They know all about the laws of sowing and reaping, laws God set in motion a long time…
Monday, August 31