Healing From Abuse Part 1
The dark secret in all too many families is abuse. It takes several forms: verbal, physical, even sexual. The hurt caused by abuse is incalculable, both to the abused as well as the abuser. Let&rsquo…
Friday, May 1
Healing From Abuse Part 2
The devil wants to destroy the family, especially the role model of the father. When abuse takes place, abuse of any kind, a father faces severe judgment from God. Step one in coming clean is to ackn…
Monday, May 4
The Power Of Praying Parents Part 1
Despite our best efforts, sometimes kids go astray…even Christian kids. Anguished parents cry out to God for a solution. And that’s exactly what God wants us to do in those tough situati…
Tuesday, May 5
The Power Of Praying Parents Part 2
Only God can count the tears of parents whose kids have gone to the far country. Like the prodigal son in the Bible, their kids chose a path destined for failure. But there is great power in persiste…
Wednesday, May 6
Playing For Keeps Part 1
If the family is the bedrock of society, it makes sense that stable marriages are the bedrock of the family. That’s why divorce is so damaging. In divorce, there are no winners. Marriage must b…
Thursday, May 7
Playing For Keeps Part 2
If your marriage is in trouble, this message is for you. Today you’ll hear teaching that could bring you back from the brink—principles to help you navigate what may seem to be impossible…
Friday, May 8
The Book We Trust Part 1
For Christians, the Bible is at the center of what we believe. Can we rely on this ancient book? This message begins a series on the key doctrines that define what Christianity is all about. Let&rsqu…
Monday, May 11
The Book We Trust Part 2
When it comes to the Bible, doubts have to give way to faith that it is what it claims to be—the very word of God. The Bible is the only book that can take you across the gorge of death into et…
Tuesday, May 12
The Father We Worship Part 1
Jesus taught us to call God “Our Father.” In the Bible, God has revealed many names, but only one character: absolute holiness combined with infinite power, love, and justice. In this mes…
Wednesday, May 13
The Father We Worship Part 2
How can one describe God? How can one describe anything infinite? The best we can do is to list His attributes. These open a door of understanding, a door that lets us catch a glimpse of His greatnes…
Thursday, May 14
The Son We Follow Part 1
Jesus Christ appeared on earth over two thousand years ago. The Bible reveals that Jesus is the Son of God, and that all the fullness of God dwells in Him. To see who God is, and what God is all abou…
Friday, May 15
The Son We Follow Part 2
Some see the death of Jesus as merely a sad end to a good life. But the Bible tells us that the central mission of Jesus was to die, and then be raised to life by God the Father. Jesus did this to br…
Monday, May 18
The Spirit We Embrace Part 1
The Bible reveals that God works by the Holy Spirit in the lives of those who believe, providing day-by-day guidance, comfort, wisdom, and insight for even the smallest detail of life. Who is the Hol…
Tuesday, May 19
The Spirit We Embrace Part 2
In studying the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian, the acronym “FIBS” provides a way to remember His four key ministries. In this message, we learn what they are and how …
Wednesday, May 20
The Sin We Rationalize Part 1
When you read the Bible, you find that God is not tolerant of something called sin. To sin is to miss the mark God has set for our behavior. Sin is so serious that God sent his only Son to die as a s…
Thursday, May 21
The Sin We Rationalize Part 2
Prisons are full of people born in sin—people born with a propensity to do wrong. But as Paul says, we are all “by nature the children of wrath.” In our study of key doctrines, we&r…
Friday, May 22
The Gospel We Proclaim Part 1
Turn on the TV and what do you get? A lot of bad news. But even under Roman oppression, the early church rejoiced in some really good news—the Gospel. They proclaimed the message that Jesus cam…
Monday, May 25
The Gospel We Proclaim Part 2
The Gospel of Christ simply means the good news about Jesus: His death on the cross brings us forgiveness and life. Let’s learn more about how we can make the good news of the Gospel known to a…
Tuesday, May 26
The Angels We Appreciate Part 1
The world of the spirit is real. Unseen millions of angels hover all around the people of God, serving those who are the heirs of salvation. In this message, we open another chapter in the basic teac…
Wednesday, May 27
The Angels We Appreciate Part 2
In Bible times, angels were messengers to God’s people. And they’ve been charged with watching over believers. In this life we’ll never know how often they’ve protected us fro…
Thursday, May 28
The Devil We Abhor Part 1
If the devil tempted us in a red suit with a pitchfork, we might laugh. But the real devil is clothed as an angel of light. Satan wants you to think he doesn’t exist. But the Bible says that he…
Friday, May 29