We Are Called To Holiness – Part 2 of 3

Once we’re born into God’s family, we’re His children. As His children, we’re called to live like it. In this message from 1 Peter 1, Pastor Lutzer provides three reasons why we should be holy: the n…
Monday, September 2

We Are Called To Holiness – Part 3 of 3

There’s no way we could ever accomplish our own redemption. Believers share a living hope because of Jesus, who purchased us at high cost. In this message, Pastor Lutzer invites us to heed God’s call…
Tuesday, September 3

We Are Called To Belong – Part 1 of 3

All too many believers have withdrawn from a local fellowship. But God called us to become part of a community. In this message, Pastor Lutzer discusses four different ways people may perceive the ch…
Wednesday, September 4

We Are Called To Belong – Part 2 of 3

It is a high calling to belong to the people of God. By connecting with other believers, we can worship together, pray for each other, and help each other through dark times. In this message from 1 P…
Thursday, September 5

We Are Called To Belong – Part 3 of 3

Whether we’re an introvert or extrovert , whether we’re young or old, we all need one another in the body of Christ. What’s our place in a local church? In this message, Pastor Lutzer uses the metaph…
Friday, September 6

We Are Called To Witness – Part 1 of 3

We are called to share God’s excellencies with the world. But we can’t share the gospel if we don’t have the integrity to back it up. In this message from 1 Peter 2, Pastor Lutzer shows practical way…
Monday, September 9

We Are Called To Witness – Part 2 of 3

How do we live in purity, even when we’re falsely accused by evildoers? Jesus had no sin, no deceit, and never returned an insult. In this message, Pastor Lutzer invites us to live passionately like …
Tuesday, September 10

We Are Called To Witness – Part 3 of 3

Most of us will do anything to avoid suffering. But when we suffer for Christ as His witnesses, He takes note that our unfair treatment mirrors His own when He was among us. In this message, Pastor L…
Wednesday, September 11

The Lies We Believe – Part 1 of 4

None of us can escape the consequences of a broken marriage. But authentic, lasting love is different from the love the world promotes. In this message, Pastor Lutzer exposes five myths about marriag…
Thursday, September 12

The Lies We Believe – Part 2 of 4

Some think that if their marriage is a mess, it’s time to leave. There’s just too much pain, too much hurt, and too many tries and failures. In this message from Ephesians 5, Pastor Lutzer explains h…
Friday, September 13

The Lies We Believe – Part 3 of 4

Can true Christians sin with immorality or pornography? Satan likes to mimic God, saying “This is love.” In this message, Pastor Lutzer reflects on the resources we have in the Gospel by the Holy Spi…
Monday, September 16