Your Family: Root, Stem, And Branches – Part 3 of 4

King David let sin and dysfunction fester in his family until the poison burst out in civil strife. What can we learn from his mistakes? In this message, Pastor Lutzer offers five inner resources tha…
Monday, July 1

Your Family: Root, Stem, And Branches – Part 4 of 4

We want to believe it’s never too late for family healing to begin. But can we see God’s blessing, despite family dysfunction like King David’s? In this message, Pastor Lutzer paints a picture of Jes…
Tuesday, July 2

Countering The Culture – Part 1 of 3

Both the redefinition of morality and the celebration of immorality threaten the foundations of our society. How can Christian families be counter-cultural? In this message, Pastor Lutzer encourages …
Wednesday, July 3

Countering The Culture – Part 2 of 3

Parents today want good children. But as our culture’s celebration of violence, sexuality, and godlessness steals the hearts of our children, what can we do to stop it? In this message from Deuterono…
Thursday, July 4

Countering The Culture – Part 3 of 3

Many of us are looking for ways to guide our children in this cultural moment. God’s Word provides a solid defense against the world’s godless agenda. In this message, Pastor Lutzer offers practical …
Friday, July 5

Making A Difference Where You Are – Part 1 of 3

In an age of sexual immorality, children are among the most vulnerable to perversion. Where can we find help to defend our children and their futures? In this message, Pastor Lutzer shares common sen…
Monday, July 8

Making A Difference Where You Are – Part 2 of 3

The family is on life support these days. It’s up to Christians to show by example the value and power of a godly family. In this message, Pastor Lutzer prepares us to teach children about our accoun…
Tuesday, July 9

Making A Difference Where You Are – Part 3 of 3

Many have never felt the warmth of the Father’s love. Like the prodigal’s father, our Heavenly Father longs to welcome us home. In this message, Pastor Lutzer encourages us to keep our children from …
Wednesday, July 10

A Glimpse Behind The Curtain – Part 1 of 4

Throughout the ages, many have people have had near-death or out-of-body experiences. Most of the stories are strikingly similar in saying that there’s no concern for future judgment. In this message…
Thursday, July 11

A Glimpse Behind The Curtain – Part 2 of 4

Some people who’ve had a near-death experience reported a strange, inviting light. But the Bible is God’s revelation of our ultimate destinies. In this message from Acts 7, Pastor Lutzer reflects on …
Friday, July 12

A Glimpse Behind The Curtain – Part 3 of 4

One day, we all will pass beyond this present life and face what lies on the other side. How can we know what life after death will be like? In this message from Genesis 2–3, Pastor Lutzer contemplat…
Monday, July 15

A Glimpse Behind The Curtain – Part 4 of 4

Death is no respecter of persons. The Bible says, “It is appointed unto man once to die, and after this, the judgment.” In this message from Luke 16, Pastor Lutzer contrasts the incredible difference…
Tuesday, July 16

The Descent Into Gloom – Part 1 of 4

What happens after unbelievers die? From Genesis to Revelation, we see glimpses of what the afterlife is like. In this message, Pastor Lutzer distinguishes between the grave, “Sheol” as the place of …
Wednesday, July 17

The Descent Into Gloom – Part 2 of 4

Most of us are too busy to think about our own deaths. But our eternal destiny is determined in this life. In this message from Luke 16, Pastor Lutzer notes three aspects of the rich man’s experience…
Thursday, July 18

The Descent Into Gloom – Part 3 of 4

We could die in a moment of time—a heart attack, a car accident. Our destiny, after we die, is determined in this life since God will judge according to our deeds. In this message from Luke 16, Pasto…
Friday, July 19

The Descent Into Gloom – Part 4 of 4

What’s the difference between those in heaven and those in hell? In Luke 16, Jesus told of a man in torment after death. In this message, Pastor Lutzer reflects on the lessons we can take from this c…
Monday, July 22

The Ascent Into Glory – Part 1 of 3

Death. We do everything we can to avoid it, yet it’s how God calls His children home. In this message, Pastor Lutzer considers the first of five captivating images throughout the New Testament on dea…
Tuesday, July 23

The Ascent Into Glory – Part 2 of 3

Some say that after death the soul sleeps until the last judgment. But the Bible paints some lovely pictures of what happens when a Christian dies. In this message, Pastor Lutzer considers the Script…
Wednesday, July 24

The Ascent Into Glory – Part 3 of 3

Most of us have some fear of death. Death has a lot of mystery, but the Scripture says Jesus died that He might take away the fear of death. In this message, Pastor Lutzer highlights three lessons fr…
Thursday, July 25

Welcome! You Have Arrived – Part 1 of 3

Many of us wonder what heaven will be like. For those of us who have trusted Christ alone as our Savior, heaven will be our destination one minute after we die. In this message from 2 Corinthians 5, …
Friday, July 26

Welcome! You Have Arrived – Part 2 of 3

Heaven is the destination for all who have trusted Christ alone for salvation. But what will our glorified bodies be like? In this message from 2 Corinthians 5, Pastor Lutzer explains what Paul means…
Monday, July 29

Welcome! You Have Arrived – Part 3 of 3

We all have questions about heaven: “What will our resurrected bodies be like? Will others recognize us? Will babies and children be there?” In this message, Pastor Lutzer reflects on two implication…
Tuesday, July 30

Living In The New Jerusalem – Part 1 of 4

One day a city will descend to Earth radiating the glory of God. This glorious city, the New Jerusalem, is incomparable. In this message from Revelation 21–22, Pastor Lutzer considers the many new ex…
Wednesday, July 31