Treasures In Heaven

In our broken world, the kingdom of heaven is establishing a beachhead of the new creation. And Jesus is inviting us to follow Him into this cosmic disruption. In this message from Matthew 6, Pastor …
Sunday, February 2

Freedom From Worry

There’s so much to worry about in life: Politics, economy, our health, safety, our families. But worry is not our friend. In this message from Matthew 6, Pastor Philip Miller walks us through six ant…
Sunday, February 9

A Heart For Others

Some view the Sermon on the Mount as random bits of wisdom. But Jesus’ "Golden Rule" is unlike any other code of ethics. In this message from Matthew 7, Pastor Philip Miller guides us through this co…
Sunday, February 16

The Law Of Love

Many people measure their virtue by what causes the least among of harm. But Jesus’ ethic is completely different. In this message from Matthew 7, Pastor Philip Miller depicts Jesus’ way to a virtuou…
Sunday, February 23