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Meet Pastor Philip Miller

Philip Miller is the 17th Senior Pastor of The Moody Church. Philip holds a B.A in Pre-Seminary Bible from Cedarville University (’04) and a Th.M. in Pastoral Leadership and New Testament Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary (’10). His wife, Krista, also holds an Th.M. degree from DTS. They have four children: Claire (12), Violet (10), Cora (8), and Jude (6). Philip is a visionary leader with over twelve years of ministry experience, including three at Christ Community Church in the western Chicago suburbs and nearly seven as Senior Pastor at Westwood Baptist in Olympia, WA. Philip enjoys cycling and all things outdoors, Garrett’s Carmel popcorn, Lou Malnati‘s deep dish pizza, and Henry Weinhard‘s root beer.

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Preview the Moody Church Hour with Pastor Philip

When You Fast

A typical-length sermon

Scripture Reference: Matthew 6:16-18

Fasting isn’t about saying “no” to the physical but saying “yes” to the spiritual. Far too often we live as if the physical is all there is. Fasting reminds us that we are more real than just our bodies. The Holy Spirit’s job is to develop new desires and teach you to walk in Him. Fasting teaches us to be led by the Spirit and not by the flesh.

The Basics Of The Gospel

A shorter length sermon with additional music

Scripture Reference: Philippians 1:1–18

God is reconciling all of us to Himself through His Son, Jesus Christ—and that changes everything. As Pastor Miller leads us through Paul’s epistle to the Philippians, he reminds us that we often need to get back to the basics of the Christian life in order to live joyfully, bearing abundant fruit. In this first sermon, he shares with us four fruits of the Gospel which should be evident in our lives.

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Pastor Philip's Installation Service

On September 19, 2021 with messages from Pastor Alistair Begg, Dr. Paul Dixon, Dr. Mark Jobe, Pastor Erwin Lutzer, Pastor Scott Ridout, Dr. Mark Yarborough, and Dr. Mark Young

Welcome by Pastor Lutzer

Upon Pastor Philip's Acceptance Of The Moody Church's Call, March, 2020

Let me be among the first to congratulate Philip Miller on being called as the new Senior Pastor of The Moody Church!
I am pleased that after years of prayer and waiting, God has brought him to us. When he and I met some time ago, I sensed that he was the man of God we had been waiting for. He has my complete support and blessing and I look forward to doing all that I can to make his ministry at The Moody Church successful!
Rebecca joins me in celebrating this important moment. We are excited as The Moody Church embarks on a new future.

Erwin Lutzer
Pastor Emeritus
The Moody Church

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