If Christians aren’t noticed or saved by our good deeds, why should we do them? When the King returns, everyone will receive what’s due for their deeds done in the body. Pastor Lutzer focuses on what Jesus looks for at the judgment seat. Even deeds done in obscurity can be an investment for eternity.
Forgiven Christians will be judged for their deeds—whether good or evil. As we stand before Jesus’ Bema seat, what will last? Pastor Lutzer shows five types of deeds that survive, depicted as “gold, silver, and precious stones.” Our eternal rewards are all meant for Jesus.
Christians are forgiven people. But are believers going to see their sins at the judgment seat of Christ? Because Jesus will be thorough, Pastor Lutzer emphasizes the magnitude of grace as well as the fear of the Lord. With eternity in mind, we can be ready for our first one-on-one with Jesus.
Comparing our life events with someone else’s often keeps us from facing our own reality. At the judgment seat, will Jesus grade our lives on a curve? Pastor Lutzer articulates key characteristics of Jesus’ judgment and reward for each believer. Nothing else matters except what Jesus thinks.
All believers will be held accountable for our works, even if it leads to tears of regret. We are saved by grace, not by good works, but we will stand before the judgement seat of Christ. Pastor Lutzer poses the question: “Is it selfish to live for rewards in heaven?” Imagine stepping into heaven knowing you’ve faithfully laid up treasures where it matters.
Most apocalyptic accounts are dreadful. Yet for believers, Jesus’ appearing at any moment is our “blessed hope.” Pastor Lutzer reflects on the wonders of that day, both physically and metaphysically. It’s impossible to fully imagine our transformation. But in the twinkling of the eye, it will be glorious!
Jesus is coming soon. Who will be there when He returns? Pastor Lutzer introduces us to the delegation of angels and the humans at the Second Coming. As you enjoy today, are you prepared to meet the coming King face to face?
We all want a long, healthy life. But physical challenges and our own mortality eventually catch up with us. Pastor Lutzer provides clarity and comfort from Christ’s return and the hope of the resurrection. There’s nothing we’re enduring physically today, that the resurrection won’t fix.
Is end-times prophesy useful despite so many false predictions or controversial interpretations? Pastor Lutzer addresses this in a new series on ten prophetic events that will change our future and comfort us today. Let’s love Christ more, living holy and godly lives in light of His return.
In the aftermath of devastation, how can we have hope when we don’t understand why God let something happen? Pastor Lutzer guides us through some of the most comforting passages in the Bible. We learn that Jesus says to us: “I am not only your refuge and strength, I am your forerunner through all suffering and uncertainty.” He has been there before and He says to us, “Follow me.” Originally Published: Apr 5, 2021