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God's Providence in the Lutzers' 55-Year Marriage

Today is our 55th wedding anniversary. Rebecca and I look back, marveling at how little we knew about who we were, the challenges we would face, and the future God had mapped out for us. After our wedding in a small church in the Dallas area, we packed everything we had into my 1965 Buick and started the trek to Canada, where I would teach in a Bible school for one more year. Then, under the providence of God, I was accepted at Drew University in New Jersey. On the way, we stopped in Chicago for some summer classes, again by God’s providence. I then became the pastor of Edgewater Baptist Church. From there, we ended up at The Moody Church.

In retrospect, it was even more miraculous than we have understood throughout the years. Even now, I think back at dozens of details that God put together to lead us each step of the way. God gave us three wonderful daughters, and now we have eight grandchildren. We are indeed most fortunate!

Rebecca has been a marvelous partner in our unpredictable journey. She has sacrificed for me, our children, and our grandchildren. Remarkable, generous, and sacrificial each day! What more can we ask for? God has shown us His favor in so many ways. And in hundreds of ways, He has guided and protected us in ways we know nothing about.

All the way, my Savior leads me what have I to ask beside? Can I doubt his tender mercy who through life has been my guide?

It’s been all of Grace, all undeserved!

So, we pray that God will not only continue to bless us, but bless all of you and the continuing ministry of The Moody Church.

Love and prayers,

Pastor Lutzer

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