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Evangelical Statement In Support Of Israel

The Elders of The Moody Church join the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) in the Evangelical Statement in Support of Israel.


"In the wake of the evil and indefensible atrocities now committed against the people of Israel by Hamas, we, the undersigned, unequivocally condemn the violence against the vulnerable, fully support Israel’s right and duty to defend itself against further attack, and urgently call all Christians to pray for the salvation and peace of the people of Israel and Palestine..."

Read the full statement.


As Pastor Erwin Lutzer has prayed in his sermon, Why The Middle East Must Await The Return Of Jesus Christ,

"Our Father, give us the confidence to know that no matter what we are going through, it will all end well because You are the King. We love You and we pray today for the peace of Jerusalem. And we pray even as the Scripture itself admonishes us in the book of Revelation, 'Even so come, Lord Jesus.'"

Read or listen to the sermon.

May God bring peace to the Middle East.

In His Service,

Michael Pitts

Executive Director of Moody Church Media
Associate Elder of The Moody Church

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