Is God more gracious in the New Testament than the Old? Some would say God has changed since we live in a new era, no longer under the law. Pastor Lutzer distinguishes three changes from the Hebrew Testament to the New Testament. Even today, we must turn to Jesus—the One who saves us from the wrath to come.
Some might perceive God’s wrath on entire people groups, or specific sin, as an overreach of His justice. How does God’s anger at sin pair with His mercy? Pastor Lutzer expounds on many examples in the Old Testament of God’s consistent character and promises. Because God hates sin, we must take Him seriously.
What exactly are we praying for when we pray for revival? When people gather in prayer and repentance, such as in western Canada in the 1970s or at Asbury University in 2023, we often wonder what God is doing among us. Pastor Lutzer considers the signs, fruits, and prayers of true revival. Let's be ready for God to cleanse His church.
The God of the Old Testament seems too harsh for our sensibilities today. Critiques against God’s intolerable actions come from both atheists and self-identified evangelicals. Pastor Lutzer examines three terrible events in the Hebrew Scriptures which reveal God’s true character. Is the God of the Old and New Testaments fair and just?
Christians face tremendous cultural, political, and legal challenges for biblical convictions. Pastor Erwin Lutzer had the opportunity to discuss his book No Reason To Hide with Jim Daly and John Fuller at Focus on the Family. In this interview, we find hope and reason to stand for Christ with courage and compassion. Let's remember how the story is going to end.
In a world that’s lost its way, we long to be rooted. While many religions point out their shared ground, the Scriptures reveal the everlasting God, who existed from all eternity. Pastor Lutzer emphasizes the unchanging nature of God, in whom our faith is firmly planted. If God doesn’t change, is He still relevant for today?