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The Day After the Night Before—Reflections on the Mid-term Elections

Although I have never endorsed a political candidate or a political party, I have long maintained that politics is more important than many Christians realize. Just survey the history of Christianity in other countries and you will find that believers who live with godless political regimes agree that politics is very important. The Gospel, of course, is most important, but politics does have far-reaching implications for all of us. 

With that in mind, I stayed up quite late last night expecting to hear whether the Republicans or Democrats would win a majority in the House or Senate, but as of this morning, we are still waiting for results in key races. Regardless the outcome, there are several matters that I think have become quite clear.

First, those who predicted a “Red Wave” were wrong. In fact, the party that is in the White House usually suffers substantial loses in the mid-terms, but that has not happened. Currently, the Red Wave appears to be a trickle.

Second, many of the winning candidates are supportive of abortion on demand, expansive rights for transgender individuals, or the sexualization of our children in the public schools—many voters apparently felt comfortable with these matters. Or, at least, they appeared to be of little importance. Many candidates who support a Christian worldview and morality were soundly defeated.

Third, and most important: We again have been reminded that the church may be forced to stand alone regardless of immense cultural pressure. All the supports we once took for granted, such as freedom of speech, parental rights, moral sanity in our schools, etc. are eroding. In recent years, serious believers have already been forced to challenge the culture, to oppose the compromises expected in every facet of life. We see this most clearly in the “moral” revolution that, like a tsunami, intends to crush all opposition that stands in its way.

As the moral foundations of our culture collapse, three kinds of churches will emerge. Many will be complicit, giving the culture everything it wants; some will be complacent, disagreeing with the culture but unwilling to teach believers why and how they must take a stand against it; and others will be courageous, leading with redemptive engagement, thanking God for the privilege of suffering for His Name.

We will have to relearn what all of us already know: The church is not built upon the U.S. Constitution; it is not built upon a political party or a politician—the church is built upon Christ. We have a secure foundation, but only time will tell if we will build upon this foundation with courage and strength. For that, we will need unity, wisdom, and uncommon faith.

Let us travel together on the road with hidden dangers and challenges that test our loyalty to Christ. We may have to make many costly decisions and sidestep numerous hazards, but our destination is secure. Zwingli, the Swiss reformer, is quoted as saying, “For the sake of God, do something courageous!”

Meanwhile, I will eagerly await the final results of yesterday’s election, but I already have chosen to look beyond the news to the One who said, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore...” (Matthew 28:18–19, KJV).

Those who are devoted to Him will win in the end. 

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