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How Christians Face Unexpected Death | Welcomed By Jesus #1

By Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

Everyone will die but no one knows when or how their time will come. Is there more to death than meets the eye? Pastor Lutzer indicates three truths from the death of the first Christian martyr, Stephen. Whether grieving a sudden loss or considering our own death, Christians possess an enduring assurance. 

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Should Christians Expect To Suffer? | No Reason To Hide #13

By Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

Christians have always been an island of righteousness in a sea of paganism. Amid today’s cultural pressure points, we must rethink our view of suffering for the sake of Christ. Pastor Lutzer offers three incentives for Christians to suffer well. What if Christians don’t have a sympathetic government or the freedom to worship?  

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What’s Involved In A Global Reset? | No Reason To Hide #12

By Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed globalism as we know it. Christians face issues related to national borders, citizenship, cryptocurrency, contact tracing, and more. Pastor Lutzer perceives six marks of increasing globalism which correspond to the end times. No matter our future, Christians have a blessed hope.  

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The Day After the Night Before—Reflections on the Mid-term Elections

By Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

The church is not built upon the U.S. Constitution; it is not built upon a political party or a politician—the church is built upon Christ. But politics is more important than many Christians realize. The Gospel, of course, is most important, but politics does have far-reaching implications for all of us. There are several matters that I think have become quite clear.

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Who's Responsible For Our Children's Education? | No Reason To Hide #11

By Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

Children are a parent’s most precious possession. As our culture collapses in moral destruction, how will we pass the baton to the next generation? Pastor Lutzer examines the relationship between the education system and parental responsibility. God is going to hold us responsible for how we raise our children.

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