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The Only "Game" That Matters

Perhaps you, like me, were surprised at the final play of last Sunday’s Super bowl game. Pastor Bob Gunter convinced me to root for the Seahawks, and in the final seconds it appeared as if they would win. But they managed to snatch defeat out of the jaws of almost certain victory. (Even I know that when you are two feet from the goal line, you run the ball!

A few days later someone sent me an email that put things in perspective: Those who lose a big game need not be defined by the loss. A score is not a soul. We are “human beings” not “human doings.” We are more than the sum of our achievements and failures, no matter what the world says. Human beings will outlive the stars. There is only one “game” with eternal significance, and it was not played on a football field last Sunday. Paul testified to this truth: “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). Let me add: that is a goal line we all want to cross! We are all “Running to Win!”

Perspective changes everything!

All for the King,
Pastor Lutzer

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